Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Dad

When I think of my dad, the word "Selfless" pops into my head. Many of you see him playing guitar on Sunday mornings, but what you don't know is that he plays no matter how he feels. Many times he's had a long weekend and the last thing he feels like doing it rolling out of bed and into the shower early on a Sunday morning. Othertimes he'll play when he's sick...and I mean really sick. I don't know how, or why, because if it was me I'd call and back out if I thought I might have to leave in the middle of worship. But not my dad. At one point, playing the guitar left his fingers black and blue. It was disgusting to look at, but he didn't complain. He just said "I'm not sure why they do that."

My dad will also do anything for anybody. I remember him going to a man's house to clear out a clogged sink. He was there awhile, but it was beyond his ability to fix. But rather than just say "I don't know what to do, sorry." He added "Let me call a plumber for you." He's often gone to my grandfather's house to help move furniture, fix a computer problem, or paint. And all this is not because he wants to do that particular task, but bcause he wants to serve God by serving others.

He is very humble, and doesn't do the stuff just to get recognized. He serves his family at home as well. He's been at the same job for over 20 years, a job that he really doesn't like. Many times he's thought about leaving, but not without seeking God on the matter. He's at this job because he loves his family and wants to provide for us. I don't think he'd be at that job if it weren't for us. He would probably go to a job he likes for a lower income if he didn't have a family to support.

Dad will go places for us kids too. He'll go to the grocery store on a Saturday night for Sloppy Joe's fixings for a fundraiser on Sunday. He'll go to Redbox for a movie we want to watch, and if they don't have it, he'll drive to another Redbox to see if that one has it. He'll run to the library 10 minutes before it closes because so that I don't have to pay a fine for a book or movie that I've forgotten to return. He'll take me driving just for the sake of driving, not because it's convenient for him or because it's something he wants to do. He'll take us to a driving range or mini golf course just to have fun, or he'll take us to a snowball stand just because it's a hot summer night and a snowball sounds good. But he rarely does any of this for himself. He doesn't want the Sloppy Joe's, the movie, or the snowball. It's not his library fine, and he's not the one that needs 60 hours of driving, yet he'll go out of his way and sacrifice his comfort for his family.

I am so blessed to have a father who sacrifices for and loves his family. A father who puts his family before himself, but more inportantly his heavenly Father before anything. I have a father who will pray and seek God about every decision, and who won't rush into buying a house or a car just because he's under a time restraint. I have a father who is a good steward of what he's been given. I have a father who is not just a father, but who is a guide, a mentor, and a protector.

Dad, you probably won't read this, but know I'm so thankful for everything you do for me and our family. I look up to the way you honor God with your life. I hope someday you can walk me down the aisle to a man you respect, and I hope that man is just like you, and will raise my kids the way you have raised your kids. A man who will seek God about everything, a man who will shepherd my heart and protect me the way you have shepherded my heart and protected me. A man who will see me as a treasure and value me the way you have. I love you so much.


Zoanna said...

Sarah, this is beautiful. And every bit true. Dad does go out of his way very often for us. He was playing guitar on a Saturday morning at a rundown church in the inner city preparing for a kids' Bible club of sorts, the first time I laid eyes on him. Right away I wanted to be his wife.

He might still be selling guitars for fun and macaroni if it weren't for us. God has blessed us many millionfold with him. Thanks for writing. We're praying your future husband will be very much like your father.

Laurie said...

Sarah, this is precious. Your Dad will be so blessed. I love how you give specific examples of how his selflessness plays out in everyday life. So often when people write tributes they leave it at, "you're always there for me..." or some other hallmark card phrase. You "show", not just "tell". You know what I mean?
This is also a tribute to your mother who taught you well, not just how to write, but how to truly observe others.
Well done, Sarah.
Well done, Paul.
And Well done, Zoanna.

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! It's wonderful you have such a great relationship with him and you can look to him as an example.

Briana Almengor said...

What a wonderful tribute not only to your earthly father but to your Heavenly Father as well. HE has shown you many kindnesses through your dad, and grace in your own life that you are not only aware of it but also willing to verbalize your gratitude to your dad and to others about your dad.