Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Thank you so much!!!

I was not expecting so many people to respond, and definitely did not expect so many people to respond to so many (most answered all I think) questions. I was overwhelemed with the response and am VERY thankful. I've been tempted to go buy a cute binder, label it "Homemaking Tips" and fill it with your responses as well as any other tips I feel I should put in there. Then, when the time comes that I need to pull them out, everything that has encouraged me up to that point is all right there.

Although I knew already that my life is tailor-made, I want to thank those of you who reminded me. It will hopefully keep me from getting discouraged when things aren't going quite the way I thought they would and your tips aren't working! ;) Just kidding!!!

Anyway, I want to keep this short, so let me close with this: I am filled with gratitude that you'd sacrifice your time (I know it had to take awhile to think about it and write out your answers). Please know it wasn't in vain and that God will reward you for encouraging the younger generation.

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