Monday, November 07, 2005

There can be Joy...not just acceptance.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds"- James 1:2

A guy in caregroup (who goes to the church school) had to this as a school assignment. I thought it was really good and came home and did it on my own. The assignment was to think of situations that seemed annoying, inconvenient, or uncomfortable, and write down how God used it to teach you something. The purpose was to look back and see what God has done for you in the past so that you know He'll do the same for whatever you're going through now, or will go through in the future. (If you read Psalm 77, you'll see an example of this sort of thing) I adapted it a little for myself by writing down situations I'm going through now, and what I hope or want to learn from them, but next time, I will probably do the unadapted version.

Some of you may do this on a consistent basis, but if you don't, I really encourage you to try it. It didn't take me very long, and it is so awesome to see how involved God is in my life, and how he has every situation I experience tailored towards what I need to learn (and that's a lot!)

I really hope that one day (soon) I will be able to "count it all joy" no matter how big the trial.


Zoanna said...

What annoyances? What inconveniences? Trials? You mean in OUR home? Surely you jest.

Okay, joking aside, I'm glad to see you writing down the grace of God you've witnessed and/or experienced in the past. I need to get back into that practice.

Karen Hevesy said...

Something I learned in the bible study today is..regardless of the situation I should never think that God is doing something to negatively affect me. Everything God does is for my good and His Glory! God only wants me to prosper, never to harm me. Now if I can remember this in the midst! Welcome to the blogging community, looking forward to reading your thoughts.