Thursday, July 06, 2006

Day 3 on the Schedule

Yesterday wasn't as great as day 1, but at least it was better than day 2. I was able to clean up my room and tear down my wallpaper border. I was able to shoot some "before shots" of my bedroom so I can look back and remember my room the way it is now.

Back to the schedule. I was able to accomplish some more cross stitching (I'll try to get some pics up soon. I kind of messed it up, but I hope it's not too noticeable) and some more reading. I was able to spend some one-on-one time with Joel (which I missed on day 2). I got to babysit last night (pretty much my favorite thing to do), and while one of the kids was abnormally disobedient, the child who usually cries when the parents leave was superb! So I guess they cancelled each other out. ;)

All in all, I was pleased with how day 3 went. I'm so thankful for the way God is using this scedule. I'm glad that it's not controlling my life, but rather structuring my life. I'm really amazed that God is allowing me to be flexible with the schedule and not getting stressed when I'm a little (or a lot!) behind. So far, this week has been a trial week, and I'm taking mental notes of what I should do next week (Wake up earlier and do my exercise then, rather than at 5 when I'm tired, for example). I know with God's grace this schdule thing can work long term. I think with it being summer that I need to schedule a fun day during the week too, just so I don't feel I went the whole summer with it feeling no different than any other time of the year. I can hear the laughter already, but I'd like to think I'm still a kid and that summer is meant for fun too.

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