We got to Boston at around 4:30, so we made great time. Only seven and a half hours! That was a blessing.
When everyone arrived (even though we went in smaller caravans, rather than all stay together and slowing us down, there was only about a 45 minute span between the first and last caravan) we gathered for some dinner and fellowship before going to our host families homes.
When the 10 of us (I'll list them so you can get an idea of how much fun we had if you know these girls: Mrs. Dayna H., Mrs. Cindy F., Mckenzie H., Makenzie H., Katelyn B., and me, then the Grace Community girls: Allie N., Sherri D., Jaimie R., Sarah J.,) arrived at our house we were all so excited. Our house was amazing. It was a huge old farmhouse. Sure, it needed some work, but there was so much character in the house. I absolutely loved it. Here are some exterior pictures, if you want to see some interior ones, just let me know in the comment section and I'll get them up for you.

As I said before, we had no host family. They were on vacation for the week for one of their daughter's wedding (I believe it was a daughter, if not, it was a son). The house had I think 10 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, or at least around that many. They have 14 children, and I would guess that about 10-12 are still at home. We definitely had enough beds, no one was sleeping on the floor. Even though there were 5 bathrooms, one just had a claw foot tub, another the shower was broken, and one was in the chaperones bedroom, so only they and McKenzie (daughter of one of the chaperones) used that one as far as I know. So only two showers really got used. One was like part of the hallway and people didn't want to go in there at all the first few days for privacy reasons, but I ended up liking it better. I could just shut both doors, and people knew not to go in (most were still in bed anyway!) Most girls showered the night before, so I could take leisurely showers in the morning, which I appreciated because I don't function well in the morning without the wake up of a shower. Some people like their coffee, I like my showers.
Anyway, I think that's enough about day one. We just sat around the TV that night and watched a movie (well they did, I personally was not big into the movie they were watching, and it was halfway through so I had no idea what was going on, unlike those who had seen it before)
Like I said, if you have any interest in seeing my pictures of the interior, I'd be more than glad to post them or email them to you, or whatever. Just let me know when you comment. It's nothing grand or anything, it's just so big and full of character, and I know pictures don't do it justice. You really feel like a part of history when you're in that house. So, the pictures probably mean more to me than they would to you. But, I'd be more than willing to pass them on anyway. I just didn't want to bore you.

As I said before, we had no host family. They were on vacation for the week for one of their daughter's wedding (I believe it was a daughter, if not, it was a son). The house had I think 10 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, or at least around that many. They have 14 children, and I would guess that about 10-12 are still at home. We definitely had enough beds, no one was sleeping on the floor. Even though there were 5 bathrooms, one just had a claw foot tub, another the shower was broken, and one was in the chaperones bedroom, so only they and McKenzie (daughter of one of the chaperones) used that one as far as I know. So only two showers really got used. One was like part of the hallway and people didn't want to go in there at all the first few days for privacy reasons, but I ended up liking it better. I could just shut both doors, and people knew not to go in (most were still in bed anyway!) Most girls showered the night before, so I could take leisurely showers in the morning, which I appreciated because I don't function well in the morning without the wake up of a shower. Some people like their coffee, I like my showers.
Anyway, I think that's enough about day one. We just sat around the TV that night and watched a movie (well they did, I personally was not big into the movie they were watching, and it was halfway through so I had no idea what was going on, unlike those who had seen it before)
Like I said, if you have any interest in seeing my pictures of the interior, I'd be more than glad to post them or email them to you, or whatever. Just let me know when you comment. It's nothing grand or anything, it's just so big and full of character, and I know pictures don't do it justice. You really feel like a part of history when you're in that house. So, the pictures probably mean more to me than they would to you. But, I'd be more than willing to pass them on anyway. I just didn't want to bore you.
Hey Sarah,
I am glad you enjoyed your stay at "the Farm house"! I am glad that you also enjoyed your stay here in Boston. You were all such a blessing to us here. I love seeing and getting to know other teens that are on fire for God. Thanks for blessing us!
In Him.
Meg! How on earth did you find my blog? I thought for sure I wouldn't be talking to you again until I came up to Boston. Do you have AIM? That's the easiest way for me to keep in touch. If not, comments are always welcome here. :)
Thanks for serving all us e-team members so well. It was so much fun getting to know you. I definitely consider you and everyone else at KOG a blessing in my life. I felt so at home in Boston.
Anyway, if you see this comment, please let me know the best way to keep in touch. Do you have a blog?
Hey Sarah!
I saw your comment on Daniel's blog! I don't have AIM yet but I will ask my dad again tonight. He said he wanted to think about it and that was about a month ago. Soo it should be safe now=) I am glad that you felt so at home here! It was so awesome having you come up! Oh yeah, I don't have a blog yet either. Ok, ummm, email me at rosscrew@juno.com. Then I will give you my email address. I think that will work. Ok, ttyl!
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